2. Yes I beileve that the United states should have a special conditons because when giving out different things you must give rules and stipulations so that everybody can be on the same page and so there will be no problems later on down the road.
3. There is no way to ensure the way people will use things given to them so I don't think that you can really get mad at the president when it comes down to things like that.
4. Maybe we should sit down and talk to other nations and see ways that we could possibly come to some kind of common ground and eventually the teams will come on board.
5.I think they should focus more on nation building.I think that we do have enough resources to tackle both but we should handle all our problems at home first before handle anything abroad.
7. I don't think it would be wise to put anymore countries in this problem that we are already going through. I believe that this would actually add fuel to the fire because they could take it as people trying to get more people involved.
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